Profile pic

Hello, I'm Juan Rodriguez

I develop web pages and web apps.

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About me

I'm a 29-year-old web developer with a background in computer science from UCV. Though I had to leave the university due to circumstances beyond my control, I've never stopped pursuing my passion for technology. I'm an energetic and hardworking individual who thrives in creating a positive and collaborative work environment, drawing from my experience as a team building activities director and a teacher, which has honed my excellent communication skills.

About me


These are the technologies that I understand.

HTML CSS JavaScript Bootstrap


These are the technologies that I understand.

Python Django Flask SQLite3


These are the technologies that I'm learning.

Figma React AWS PostgreSQL


Here are some of my recent projects, if you want to know more about them, please read the file in the repository

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

CS50 X

CS50 P

CS50 Web

Lets Talk!

Tell me about your vision!

Created by Juan Rodriguez (2023) ©